Monday, March 10, 2014

Is lying OK?

                  Lying, to be or not to be?

 This blog will be about is it is OK to lie. To me, some times lying is the right thing to do. Do you really want to hurt your friends feelings by saying that there shoes are ugly? We'll, I hope not. I believe that lying is OK because people lie at least twice a day, why not make it useful, sometimes you have to lie like when you get clothes for Christmas and you don't like them and you don't want to disappoint your parents, some times lying is the right thing to do.
      Say for Christmas your grandma gave you a sweater that a picture of you two and has "i love you"engraved in pink below the picture. Are you gonna speak the truth on what you think about the sweatshirt and say, "What is this? I'm never gonna wear that thing you old fool!?!" Or are you going to wear it every time you see her and act like you love it? I'm gonna act like I love it and not hurt her feelings. In that situation, the right thing to do is lie.
         Experts say that most people lie at least twice a day. Most of them are harmful. But why not put lying to a good use? By a good use I mean use lying not to hurt someones feelings. Say your friend got new shoes that are green purple and orange, he/she thinks they're cool but you don't, and then she/he asks you straight in the face what you think about them, you hesitate and you try not to hurtthere feelings. What would you do? Just lie, you wont hurt there feelings by saying that you like there shoes.

    I believe that lying is a good thing because people lie twice a day to make something better, to not disappoint there friends/family, it helps keep a friendship good. I believe lying is ok and you should too.

Challenge question~ comment a time that you had to lie, good/bad?

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